Archive: Driver Conduct Hearings
Bridge Strike Driver has Licence Suspended for 28 Days at Driver Conduct Hearing
The driver in this matter, represented by barrister Harry Bowyer, struck a railway bridge causing substantial damage and delays to the train timetable. The starting point for this type of incident is revocation of the vocational licence and disqualification for 6 months. In this case the Traffic Commissioner was persuaded […]
Driver Who Shed 8 Tonne Load Dealt with by Formal Warning at Driver Conduct Hearing
This driver, represented by barrister Harry Bowyer at the driver conduct hearing, was asked to pick up a piece of plant which came off the trailer as the truck negotiated a roundabout. The load was of a type that neither he nor the operator had dealt with before and neither […]
Bridge Strike Driver Escapes with 14 day Suspension at Driver Conduct Hearing
This driver, represented at his driver conduct hearing by barrister Harry Bowyer, hit a bridge in his truck. The starting point for bridge strikes is revocation of the licence and disqualification for 6 months. The Traffic Commissioner took into account the driver’s age and inexperience as well as his limited […]
Driver Conduct Hearing: Formal Warning from Traffic Commissioner following careless driving prosecution
This driver, represented before the Traffic Commissioner by Millicent Dooher, had previously pleaded guilty to an offence of careless driving whilst in an HGV. The driving had resulted in injury to a pedestrian. The Traffic Commissioner considered the circumstances of the offence and the actions the driver had taken to […]
Driver Who Failed Intoximeter at Work Dealt with by way of Formal Warning at Driver Conduct Hearing
This driver, represented at their driver conduct hearing by barrister Harry Bowyer, blew 25 microgrammes in breath at a randon breath test at work. The operator reported them to the Traffic Commissioner. As the drink had been taken the day before and the driver had miscalculated the time before the […]
Traffic Commissioner Accepts that Allegations of False Records by Driver Not Made Out at Driver Conduct Hearing
Our client, a driver, was represented by Laura Newton before the Traffic Commissioner at a Driver Conduct hearing. A DVSA Investigation alleged that the driver had created a false record on 5 occasions. During the Hearing, we were able to present a strong case to defend the driver. The Traffic […]
Driver Using Mobile Phone Whilst Driving HGV Dealt with By Way of Formal Warning at Driver Conduct Hearing
This driver, represented at the driver conduct hearing by barrister, Harry Bowyer, had forgotten his bluetooth and had picked up a call when behind the wheel of his truck. He applied for his licence to be reviewed and was called in to a driver conduct hearing. He should have been […]
Reformed Drug Driver will be allowed to apply for an HGV licence next year
This driver was represented by Senior Solicitor, Murray Oliver had been convicted for Drug driving. Their application for an HGV licence was referred to the Traffic Commissioner who took into account evidence that suggested that drug taking had ceased. The Traffic Commissioner refuse the licence application on this occasion but […]
Scottish HGV Driver with Mobile Phone Offence and Speeding Offence Dealt with By Formal Warning
This driver, represented by barrister Harry Bowyer, had been caught using a mobile phone in his private car and a speeding offence in his truck. He was called into a driver conduct hearing where the Traffic Commissioner was impressed with his mitigation and dealt with the matter buy way of […]
Driver with 2 Speeding Offences Avoids a 6 week Suspension at a Driver Conduct Hearing
The driver in this case, represented by Solicitor Murray Oliver, picked up 2 speeding tickets in his personal van which is considered a commercial vehicle and is restricted to 60mph on an dual carriage way. The Traffic Commissioner’s guidance suggests that a driver with 2 convictions of this type ought […]