What is VOL (Vehicle Operator Licensing) and what do I need to do? | Smith Bowyer Clarke
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What is VOL (Vehicle Operator Licensing) and what do I need to do?


Vehicle Operator Licensing (VOL) is a new online system which has been designed to replace Operator Licence Self Service. Once the new system has been made available it will be possible to make applications, upload documents such as bank statements, amend details and provide information about changes online. In order to use the new VOL service you will need a modern and secure browser installed on your computer.


If you regularly use the current Operator Licensing Self Service system you will need to ensure you do so before 4 p.m. on Thursday 10th November or after midday on Monday 14th November during which time the system will be unavailable. If you need to make any urgent vehicle changes during this period, you will need to contact operatorlicensing@otc.gsi.gov.uk.


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