Tag Archives: hauliers
How Do You Deal with Drivers’ Hours Infringements? – What are Your Obligations as a Transport Manager?
Even in the best run transport business there will inevitably be occasions when drivers cut corners, make mistakes or in some cases deliberately bend the rules. This article looks at the practical processes and procedures Transport Managers and operators should have in place to: Monitor driver compliance and identify drivers’ […]
The Prevention of Clandestine Entrants – Installing an Effective System to Avoid Costly Civil Penalties.
Most international hauliers are aware that they may be hit with high Civil Penalties if one of their drivers brings Clandestine Entrants into the United Kingdom. With both the driver and the haulier each facing fines of up to £2,000 per clandestine immigrant, the total amount which a haulier may […]
Smoking in Trucks: What the Law Says
HGV operators face fixed penalties for failing to stamp down on smoking. The law on smoking in commercial vehicles is very detailed, yet surprisingly poorly understood. We take a quick look at 3 of the main smoking-related criminal offences that all operators and drivers must be aware of: […]
How Safe is the Food in your Fridge?
Guest Article: By Rob Hardy, Operations Director and BREXIT Consultant at Oakland Invicta Ltd https://www.contaminatedload.com/, 44 (0)7487 256 543 The Calais migrant situation started 20 years ago. It reached its peak in 2016 when there were around 10,000 migrants at the infamous Calais Jungle. The shanty town has gone but the risk […]
Fines for Carrying Illegal Immigrants in Your Truck – 6 Things You Need to Know
Fines for carrying illegal immigrants in your truck, also known as “Civil Penalties for Clandestine Entrants” are a big problem for hauliers sending loads into the UK. We look at what they are, how to challenge them, and what you can do to avoid them in the future. […]
GOOD REPUTE 2 – Other Behaviour which can Damage your Repute (Freight)
“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” Benjamin Franklin There are a thousand ways to damage your Good Repute, and Operators are discovering new ones all the time. We have already looked at what “Good […]
Roadside Stops can Stop Your Business in its Tracks: Prohibitions, PG9s and the DVSA
Having one of your vehicles stopped by the DVSA can be a headache for any operator. Even if your vehicle and driver are given a clean bill of health, the stop itself will usually mean a delay to your daily work schedule. If the stopping officer does uncover infringements during […]
Earning a Reputation – Can Earned Recognition Work for Your Business?
Face it – nobody likes being pulled over by the DVSA. Even when no infringements are found, an unexpected roadside inspection can be a big headache for any operator trying to meet tight delivery deadlines. But, clearly there has be a way for the DVSA to check whether an […]
Truck Seized in the UK? Fear Not – You Can Get it Back
Having a truck seized by the UK authorities can be a nightmare. Earnings can be hit hard and in some circumstances the vehicle is permanently lost, with no insurance pay out. The good news is seized trucks can be recovered! With no “one size fits all approach” you […]
Do I Need an Operator’s Licence? (Goods Vehicles)
This is a simple question which is not always simple to answer. The Operator Licensing system is complex and there are many exemptions that may or may not apply to you. The reality is that you should always get specialist advice or you could find yourself applying for a […]