Making Your Business Compliant | Smith Bowyer Clarke
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Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Making Your Business Compliant

  • Inspection and Maintenance systems
  • Construction & Use
  • Drivers’ Hours and Rest Periods
  • Working Time Directive
  • Road Traffic Acts and Road Transport Act compliance
  • Environmental Protection
  • Health and Safety regulations
  • Local Regulatory and Commercial compliance e.g. LEZ; Crossrail;HS2

These headings represent only few of the many areas within which an Operator must achieve regulatory compliance. In fact, at least eleven undertakings given by Operators when applying for an Operator’s Licence, not least that confirming that the laws relating to the driving and operation of vehicles will be observed. Breach of any of these undertakings, or the other rules and regulations associated with the Road Transport industry can and often does result in action by the DVSA, Traffic Commissioner or the criminal courts.

Understanding your legal duties and obligations and ensuring that you have robust and fit-for-purpose systems to ensure compliance is crucial to the safe and effective management of your business. At SBC we have a specialist team dedicated to assisting you to reach compliance and in the unlikely event of a problem, to defend allegations of regulatory non-compliance. in In the current challenging economic climate we can provide expert system and regulatory compliance audits, and advice on the best and most effective ways of achieving compliance.

A simple call to us will start you in the right direction.

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