VOSA Investigations | DVSA Investigations | Interviews Under Caution
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DVSA / VOSA Interviews under caution

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Interviews under caution are one of the primary tools used by the Police and DVSA (formerly VOSA) to gather evidence against you or your business, either for the purpose of a possible Public Inquiry or criminal investigation. Importantly, just like police officers DVSA examiners have the power to conduct formal interviews under caution.

Your response to requests for interview and your conduct in interview forms one of the essential tools in preparing your answer to any allegations of misconduct or infraction.

If you are invited to attend an interview under caution or placed under “caution” during an encounter or inspection then immediate legal advice is essential. You are fully entitled to ask that the interview is postponed or stopped to enable you to obtain legal advice. Even if you think that you have done nothing wrong, receiving good legal advice before answering any questions will always be in your interests: too many people have admitted offences in interview which were not part of the investigation. Importantly, you have the right to have representation at any interview and to refuse to answer questions where the DVSA or police fail to allow you access to your lawyers.

Smith Bowyer Clarke have solid expertise in representing clients both in the Police Station and in DVSA interviews under caution. We have often found that the correct approach in interview is the decisive key to a positive conclusion in front of the Traffic Commissioner or in the Criminal Courts.

We offer fixed fees to represent a driver/operator. For more information speak to one of our lawyers today.

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