Consultancy & Transport Law Advice for Big Business | Smith Bowyer Clarke
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Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Consultancy & Transport Law Advice for Big Business

We provide specialist legal advice and consultancy to business on all aspects of road transport law.

Transport law is a complex, constantly changing field. Developments in case law can mean that what was legal yesterday, is not necessary legal today. It can often be difficult for businesses to keep up to speed with the latest changes.

Our barristers and solicitors provide specialist legal advice, tailor-made to the specific problems facing your business. Our clients include FTSE100 companies, European multinational haulage firms and large regional operators.


We have recently advised on matters including:

  • Whether a franchisee or a franchisor should hold an operator licence
  • whether a mobile drilling vehicle is eligible to use red diesel
  • whether traffic cone laying vehicles require operator licences
  • the extent of the duel use vehicle exception
  • the extent and lawfulness of the HGV road levy
  • the evidential requirements for load-theft claims

We understand however, that providing legal advice alone is not enough. If we do identify legal or regulatory problems with your systems, we can act quickly to put them right.

This may involve:

  • redrafting franchise contracts
  • overhauling an operator’s compliance systems
  • drafting company transport policies (mobile phone use, tachograph analysis, etc)


In some cases, it becomes necessary for a business to resort to the courts. We have acted for clients in all manner of judicial proceedings, including:

  • initiating Judicial Review proceedings against a public body
  • defending your operating licence before the Traffic Commissioner and Upper Tribunal
  • initiating civil proceedings in the High Court
  • representing individuals and businesses before the Court of Appeal


Get in touch to find out how we can help your business meet the challenges ahead.

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