Our People | Smith Bowyer Clarke
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Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Our People

To view our specialist team of lawyers select ‘View Profile’ for full details of each member of the team.

Simon Clarke FCILT

Position: Partner, Barrister

Area of Practice: European and UK Road Transport, Civil, Criminal Defence and Advocacy

Laura Newton CMILT

Position: Partner, Solicitor

Area of Practice: Road Transport Law, Motoring Law, MOT Appeals and Taxi Licensing

Harry Bowyer FCILT

Position: Partner, Barrister

Area of Practice: Road Transport, Criminal Defence and Advocacy

Murray Oliver BEng(Hons)

Position: Senior Solicitor

Area of Practice: Road Transport, Motoring Law

Tim Culpin Consultant

Position: Consultant

Area of Practice: Road Transport Law, Motoring Law and Advocacy

Millicent Dooher Barrister

Position: Barrister

Area of Practice: Road Transport, Motoring Law, Criminal Defence

Sofia Poole Trainee Solicitor

Position: Apprentice Solicitor/Case Preparation

Area of Practice: Case Preparation and Office Administrator

Fern Chatwin Administrator

Position: Administrator/Case Preparation

Area of Practice: Office Administrator and Case Preparation

Jaskiran Pal Legal Apprentice

Position: Apprentice Solicitor

Area of Practice: Reception, Case Preparation

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