Do I Need a Transport Manager? | Smith Bowyer Clarke
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Do I Need a Transport Manager?

Who needs a Transport Manager?

A transport manager is necessary if you hold a Standard National or Standard International Operator’s Licence. This is because there is a requirement to show professional competence for both types of licence. This is the same for both goods vehicles and passenger carrying vehicles, regardless of the size of the organisation.

It may be beneficial for the holder of a Restricted Operator’s Licence to employ a transport manager even though a transport manager cannot be nominated on a restricted licence. A transport manager CPC holder can be beneficial in ensuring compliance on a restricted licence. A restricted licence with a large number of authorised vehicles might very well benefit from the skill set that a competent transport manager would provide

Internal and External Transport Managers

It may not be necessary to have a full-time transport manager, depending on the number of vehicles being operated. The Traffic Commissioner proposes that for 30-50 vehicles, the transport manager should work 30 hours-full time per week, and for more than 50 vehicles, the transport manager should work full time and acquire additional assistance. Additional hours may be required for trailers.
It is also at the discretion of the Operator as to whether the transport manager is internal or external, however an external transport manager cannot work for more than 4 operators or be responsible for more than 50 vehicles.

The transport manager must have a genuine link to the undertaking, for internal transport managers, this can be demonstrated if the transport manager is the licence holder, a partner whose name is on the licence, a director of the company in whose name the licence is held or a full or part time employee. External transport managers may be hired but they cannot be employed through a transport consultancy. There must be a contract of employment between the transport manager and the operator.

Requirements of a Transport Manager.

The transport manager must have continuous and effective control of the transport operations of the business. The transport manager must work sufficient hours in order to fulfil the undertakings they sign up to. They must be more than just a transport manager in name.
When choosing a transport manager, you must ensure they are:
1. Of good repute;
2. Professionally competent, by holding a CPC or equivalent, recognised qualification and have taken suitable refresher training;
3. If external, not be prohibited by a Traffic Commissioner, work for more than 4 operators or be responsible for more than 50 vehicles.
A list of the transport managers duties can be found in the Senior Traffic Commissioner’s Statutory Guidance Document 3: Transport Managers.

What to do Where the Transport Manager has Died, Become Incapacitated or Left the Business

The Traffic Commissioner can grant a period of grace where there is no transport manager in place. This period of grace can be for up to 6 months in order to allow the replacement of a transport manager, which may be extended for a further 3 months in the case of death or incapacity of the transport manager. A written application must be made to the Traffic Commissioner.

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