Changes to the HGV and PSV Inspection Manuals | Smith Bowyer Clarke
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Changes to the HGV and PSV Inspection Manuals

From 1 June 2024, an updated HGV Inspection Manual and an updated PSV Inspection Manual come into force. The new Inspection Manuals can be found here HGV Manual PSV Manual.

The HGV and PSV Inspection Manuals are important documents for all Operators. They set out the application of relevant vehicle component requirements; the minimum standards that these components should be tested against; what may amount to a deficiency; how a deficiency is to be categorised.

Where there is a concern regarding a potential defect this document, this is a useful tool which should be available and used by Operators and Transport Managers.

The Manual can be used to train drivers relating to defects and as a tool to allow decisions to be made about whether a vehicle can be used on the safely on the road and without a risk of incident or adverse action such as a PG9.

Whilst the Manual outlines the minimum requirements and Operators should strive above this level, and it is not advisable to use this document to justify delaying repairs.

The updated documents bring in a number of amendments, clarifications and changes, including:

-removal of the mandatory requirements for reverse lamps on HGV trailers,

-requirement to have all fitted indicators working and inspected

– guidance on the standard to apply for cuts or damage to seatbelt webbing

– changes to the calculations for brake performance in PSVs

These documents can also be read in conjunction with the Categorisation of Defects Publication, issued by DVSA explaining how defects encountered at roadside and on inspection will be dealt with and recorded.

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