Changes to Driver CPC Announced | Smith Bowyer Clarke
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Changes to Driver CPC Announced

Following a recent consultation undertaken by the Government which can be viewed here, a further announcement had been made with the amendments to the Driver CPC requirements to come into effect in 2025.

Drivers of HGVs and PSVs are required in most circumstances to hold a Certificate of Professional Competence. Currently this involves an initial training period and qualification, followed by 35 hours of CPC certified training every 5 years.

The current rules around training have been widely criticised over recent years for being too rigid and because the 35 hour rule does not in itself ensure that an adequate range of appropriate training is undertaken.

The Government has announced, on 20 May 2024, the first proposed changes to the regime, which will be placed before Parliament later this year to come into effect in 2025. This relates to those who currently have an expired CPC. The prosed change will introduce a ‘Return to Driving’ training module, which offers a reduced burden on those whose CPC expired within the last 2 years. In an attempt to address the driver shortage and bring drivers back to work quickly, this 7 hour module can be undertaken to re-active the CPC, with an obligation to carry out the remaining 28 hours over the following 12 months.

The recent announcement can be viewed here.

It is a criminal offence to drive without a CPC where one is required. This can lead to prosecution, with a fine up to £1000 for the Driver and the Operator if they permit this offence. It could also invalidate insurance and would be reportable to the Traffic Commissioner, leading to a Driver Conduct Hearing and Public Inquiry.

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