Western Area Operator Retains Licence at PI
Simon Clarke at a Traffic Commissioner’s Public Inquiry again. Maintenance and Compliance issues reared their heads in a DVSA audit undertaken in 2016. Serious and licence-threatening questions around issues of MOT-failure rates, missed PMIs, multiple “S”- marked PG9s, lack of any proper paperwork trail, poor Forward Planning, poor tachograph compliance records and a driver-infringement history meant that this licence had strayed deep into Revocation territory. Taking early advice from SBC, this Operator secured a favourable outcome with the appointment of a new Transport Manager and a minor (10%) fleet curtailment for 6-months. Our Operator certainly viewed this a magnificent outcome to his problems!
Case Details
Case Name: Western Area Operator Retains Licence at PICase Date: July 2017
Case Type (info): Public Inquiry