Using Phone Behind the Wheel – Suspension Reduced from Starting Point at Driver Conduct Hearing
This driver, represented at the driver conduct hearing by barrister, Harry Bowyer, pleaded guilty when the Single Justice Procedure Notice arrived after he was caught using his mobile whilst driving an HGV. As a result of this conviction and the 6 penalty points accrued as a result the driver was dismissed from his job. Owing to this, the driver’s hitherto unblemished record and other mitigation including the fact that he had been able to secure another job which was at risk if the driver was suspended for too long – the Traffic Commissioner was persuaded that the loss of one job sufficient grief for this offence and reduced the starting point from a 4 week suspension to 1 week.
Case Details
Case Name: Using Phone Behind the Wheel – Suspension Reduced from Starting Point at Driver Conduct HearingCase Date: August 2019
Case Type (info):