Using a Mobile Phone GPS in an LGV- Driver escapes with 1-week suspension at Driver Conduct Hearing | Smith Bowyer Clarke
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Using a Mobile Phone GPS in an LGV- Driver escapes with 1-week suspension at Driver Conduct Hearing

This driver was represented by Millicent Dooher, barrister, having been observed using his mobile telephone whilst behind the wheel of an LGV. It was the Driver’s case that he was using the GPS only. By bringing the most recent cases on mobile telephone use in vehicles to the attention of the Traffic Commissioner, the Traffic Commissioner was able to use her discretion to reduce the suspension period, for which the starting point is 4 weeks, to a 1 week suspension.

Case Details

Case Name: Using a Mobile Phone GPS in an LGV- Driver escapes with 1-week suspension at Driver Conduct Hearing
Case Date: September 2020
Case Type (info): Driver Conduct Hearing

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