Truck Driver Acquitted by Jury of the Importation of £11.2 Million of Cocaine after Crown Court Trial | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Truck Driver Acquitted by Jury of the Importation of £11.2 Million of Cocaine after Crown Court Trial

This driver, represented in the Crown Court by barrister Simon Clarke, was acquitted after a 4 day trial in the Crown Court after being charged with the importation of 140 kilos of cocaine that was found in his truck.

The Jury was back in 50 minutes with a not guilty verdict and the driver was restored to his friend and relations.

Much of the evidence concerned evidence from the tachograph of the truck which Simon was particularly qualified to deal with.

Moral: If you get into trouble with or in your truck it is probably an advantage to have a lawyer who knows his trucks!

Case Details

Case Name: Truck Driver Acquitted by Jury of the Importation of £11.2 Million of Cocaine after Crown Court Trial
Case Date: November 2023
Case Type (info): Crown Court

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