Operator with Financial Standing and MOT Problems Keeps its Licence after Traffic Commissioner’s Public Inquiry
This operator, represented by barrister Harry Bowyer, was called into Public Inquiry after one of its vehicles was stopped without a current MOT. The subsequent DVSA inspection showed that three further vehicles were being operated without MOTs.
The company was found to be keeping its financial standing in an ISA belonging to one of the director’s wives.
The company had an unhappy MOT failure rate and prohibition history.
They had the good sense to call in a reputable firm of Transport Consultants who straightened out the maintenance regime and drivers hours regime. The old Transport Manager, a director, under whom the mismanagement occurred, was replaced by a younger director who had a Transport Manager’s CPC.
The Traffic Commissioner was persuaded that the company as reconstituted was radically different from the company that the DVSA had visited and allowed the licence to continue, marking the breaches with a severe but temporary curtailment. The old Transport Manager was disqualified for 12 months.
Case Details
Case Name: Operator with Financial Standing and MOT Problems Keeps its Licence after Traffic Commissioner’s Public InquiryCase Date: May 2018
Case Type (info):