HGV Driver’s 56 day Disqualification Vacated and 6 Penalty Points Imposed Instead | Smith Bowyer Clarke

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HGV Driver’s 56 day Disqualification Vacated and 6 Penalty Points Imposed Instead

This Driver, represented before the Magistrates by Millicent Dooher, faced sentence for a speeding offence and a careless driving offence. The Driver had requested that the matter be dealt with by penalty points or a hearing convened. The Courts made a decision in his absence to disqualify him for 56 days- this also meaning that he would have to re-apply for his HGV entitlements.

Millicent was able to reopen the matter and the disqualification of 56 days was set aside. Following submissions, Millicent convinced the Magistrates to deal with the matters by way of 6 penalty points. The Driver had no disqualification, and was able to carry on driving for his job.

A disqualification of 56 days or more requires you to reapply for your HGV/PSV entitlements from the Traffic Commissioner, these are not automatically restored upon the completion of a disqualification. If you have a motoring offence that carries a disqualification and also have HGV/PSV entitlements, get in touch with one of our lawyers today.

Case Details

Case Name: HGV Driver’s 56 day Disqualification Vacated and 6 Penalty Points Imposed Instead
Case Date: March 2024
Case Type (info): Criminal Defence

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