Driving Instructor Remains on Register After DVSA Interview. | Smith Bowyer Clarke
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Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Driving Instructor Remains on Register After DVSA Interview.

Solicitor Laura Newton represented an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) who was being investigated relating to alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct. The breaches alleged included mobile phone use whilst working, poor quality of lessons and a sexual relationship with a pupil driver, which was admitted. The matter was investigated by DVSA and a report submitted to the Registrar for ADIs. It was determined that the mitigation and explanations put forward demonstrated that the instructor remained a fit person to remain on the Register and no action was taken. In these cases, Approved Driving Instructors are required to follow the Code of Practice and breaches can ultimately lead to removal from the register. Our lawyers can assist in interview and investigation stage as well as providing Representations against proposed Removal, or appeal to the Tribunal.

Case Details

Case Name: Driving Instructor Remains on Register After DVSA Interview.
Case Date: May 2021
Case Type (info): Driving Instructor

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