Application for Operator’s Licence Granted as Applied for at Traffic Commissioner’s Public Inquiry
The Applicant in this case, represented at Public Inquiry by barrister Harry Bowyer, had their application called in to Public Inquiry. The Traffic Commissioner was concerned about a previous application made by a different company that the applicant director was also a director of. The previous application was rejected as one of the other directors had an adverse history with the Office of the Traffic Commissioner of which the applicant was unaware until the case had been called in and the licence refused.
As they ruefully conceded to the Traffic Commissioner you can’t be too careful who you go into business with in the Road Transport industry. The new company was sufficiently distanced from the old company in this case that the Traffic Commissioner agreed to grant the licence as applied for provided the applicant satisfied them on a couple of details within 28 days of the Public Inquiry.
Case Details
Case Name: Application for Operator’s Licence Granted as Applied for at Traffic Commissioner’s Public InquiryCase Date: December 2021
Case Type (info): Public Inquiry