100mph Driver Acquitted of Careless Driving receives 3 Penalty Points and a Band A Fine for Speeding | Smith Bowyer Clarke

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100mph Driver Acquitted of Careless Driving receives 3 Penalty Points and a Band A Fine for Speeding

SBC Barristers are also members of the Independent Bar, acting through chambers, so that other firms of solicitors might instruct them independently of SBC, taking advantage of the skill set and contacts that the barristers can offer whilst being able to continue to litigate the case themselves. Harry Bowyer was instructed on behalf of a motorist who was allegedly seen by the police travelling at speeds of up to 100mph. The police officers failed to follow the procedure laid down in the NPCC guide for conducting a follow check. The Magistrates acquitted the defendant of careless driving and convicted of speeding as they could be sure that he was speeding. They could not be sure, however, owing to the poor quality of the prosecution evidence, of the exact speed of the car. They therefore sentenced the defendant in the lowest sentencing bracket available to them.

Case Details

Case Name: 100mph Driver Acquitted of Careless Driving receives 3 Penalty Points and a Band A Fine for Speeding
Case Date: May 2019
Case Type (info): Magistrates Court

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