Scottish HGV Driver with Mobile Phone Offence and Speeding Offence Dealt with By Formal Warning | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Scottish HGV Driver with Mobile Phone Offence and Speeding Offence Dealt with By Formal Warning

This driver, represented by barrister Harry Bowyer, had been caught using a mobile phone in his private car and a speeding offence in his truck. He was called into a driver conduct hearing where the Traffic Commissioner was impressed with his mitigation and dealt with the matter buy way of a warning rather than a suspension.

Case Details

Case Name: Scottish HGV Driver with Mobile Phone Offence and Speeding Offence Dealt with By Formal Warning
Case Date: August 2022
Case Type (info): Driver Conduct

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