Transport Manager Acquitted of all 21 Charges of Permitting Drivers to Commit Tachograph Offences | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Transport Manager Acquitted of all 21 Charges of Permitting Drivers to Commit Tachograph Offences

The Transport Manager in this case represented in the Magistrates Court and on Appeal to the Crown Court by barrister Harry Bowyer was prosecuted on 21 charges of permitting drivers to commit assorted tachograph offences.

The allegations were highly technical and required a thorough understanding of the drivers’ hours rules including double manning, positioning journeys and route planning.

At the trial in the Magistrates Court he was acquitted of 12 of the 21 charges. Plainly this was not good enough as the remaining 9 charges were sufficient in themselves to remove his good repute and lead to his inevitable disqualification. This was a career ending conviction,

On Appeal to the Crown Court the prosecution reviewed the case and on the day that the appeal was due to be heard did not oppose the appeal. The Appeal was allowed by the Judge and Justices and the defendant was awarded a defendant’s costs order.

Case Details

Case Name: Transport Manager Acquitted of all 21 Charges of Permitting Drivers to Commit Tachograph Offences
Case Date: December 2020
Case Type (info): Crown Court

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