Transport Manager Keeps Good Repute after Being Deceived by Operator and Drivers | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Transport Manager Keeps Good Repute after Being Deceived by Operator and Drivers

Our Transport Solicitor Laura Newton represented a Transport Manager at Public Inquiry. It was alleged and subsequently found that during his time as Transport Manager, the Operator and driver had manipulated the tachograph and created false records for a sustained period and over 50 occasions. We were able to demonstrate that the Transport Manager was not complicit and himself had been deceived by the Operator. Following evidence and representations being made to the Traffic Commissioner, no regulatory action was taken and he was permitted to retain his good repute and professional competence.

Case Details

Case Name: Transport Manager Keeps Good Repute after Being Deceived by Operator and Drivers
Case Date: October 2020
Case Type (info): Public Inquiry

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