Speeding HGV Driver Escapes with 2 Week Suspension after Driver Conduct Hearing | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Speeding HGV Driver Escapes with 2 Week Suspension after Driver Conduct Hearing

Our solicitor, Laura Newton, represented a driver who had committed 2 speeding offences in a company HGV, both times travelling at 55mph in a 40mph area. He was called to a driver conduct hearing before the Traffic Commissioner. Although the Statutory Document suggests a 6 week suspension, the Traffic Commissioner was persuaded to reduce this to 2 weeks, to coincide with a pre booked holiday later in the year.

Case Details

Case Name: Speeding HGV Driver Escapes with 2 Week Suspension after Driver Conduct Hearing
Case Date: July 2020
Case Type (info): Driver Conduct Hearing

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