Application for Increase in Authorisation Leads to Public Inquiry | Smith Bowyer Clarke

Expert team of Barristers and Solicitors with years of experience in providing advice and representation in Road Transport Law.

Application for Increase in Authorisation Leads to Public Inquiry

This Operator, represented at Public Inquiry by barrister Harry Bowyer, optimistically applied to increase his authorisation from 2 vehicles to 8 vehicles. This prompted the Office of the Traffic Commissioner to do a “desk based audit” where the operator scored an impressive 22 “unsatisfactories.” Further problems relating to a failure to get to grips with his financial standing led to the application being reduced to an authorisation for 4 vehicles. The Operator, finally feeling the icy shadow of a Public Inquiry heading in his direction, decided at this stage to seek help.

He went to a competent Transport Consultant who immediately called in SBC.

The Transport Consultant put in proper systems and arranged Operator Licence Awareness Training for the directors and a 2 day CPC  course for the Transport Manager. At Public Inquiry the licence was retained and the authorisation to 4 vehicles granted subject to undertakings and immediate curtailment of the new authorisation which was to be allowed when certain conditions were met.

Moral: If you are going to put yourself under the eye of the Traffic Commissioner be sure that your operation is compliant. A few hundred spent on an audit which can accompany your application will make it less likely that the Traffic Commissioner will invite the DVSA to rummage through your paperwork. It is certainly cheaper than defending yourself at a Public Inquiry!!!

Case Details

Case Name: Application for Increase in Authorisation Leads to Public Inquiry
Case Date: July 2020
Case Type (info): Public Inquiry

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