Scaffolding Company Keeps licence After Breach of Undertaking and Failure to Communicate with the Traffic Commssioner
This company, represented by barrister Helen Newbold, was called into Public Inquiry after failing to meet an undertaking with regards to financial standing imposed on a newly granted licence.
The Traffic Commissioner was concerned that despite a considerable number of letters and emails from the Office of the Traffic Commissioner the operator had failed to engage in any form of communication in respect of the undertaking.
Helen Newbold set out the circumstances of the operator since the grant of the licence and was able to demonstrate with the assistance of an appointed transport consultant where the company stood as at the date of the Public Inquiry. The Traffic Commissioner considered the balancing exercise put forward by Helen Newbold and accepted the proposed sanction as being proportionate. The operator was subject to a temporary curtailment of 2 vehicles, to include the margin, for 7 days with an undertaking for a future audit.
Case Details
Case Name: Scaffolding Company Keeps licence After Breach of Undertaking and Failure to Communicate with the Traffic CommssionerCase Date: March 2020
Case Type (info): Public Inquiry